Become a supplier to the United Nations! International seminar and business meetings with the largest UN agencies.

Publication date: 27/04/2021

The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, in cooperation with the British Department for International Trade, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, Enterprise Ireland, and the Embassy of Slovenia in Copenhagen, invites you to an international online seminar on business opportunities offered by the United Nations procurement market: United Nations International Procurement Seminar. The event will take place on June 16-17, 2021.

Please note that the limit of places has been exhausted. It is not possible to register for the event.

For whom?
The seminar is aimed at both large enterprises and SMEs interested in entering the United Nations procurement market, particularly those operating in the following sectors: IT/ICT, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, food, and all products or services for international humanitarian and development assistance purposes.

Why take part?
Spotkania B2P (Business to Procurers)
UN International Procurement Seminar stwarza unikalną szansę odbycia indywidualnych spotkań z przedstawicielami agend ONZ odpowiedzialnymi za procedury zakupowe (Business to Procurers, B2P),**a także nawiązania kontaktów biznesowych z przedsiębiorcami z krajów - organizatorów seminarium. Udział w wydarzeniu potwierdziły następujące agendy ONZ:
UN Secretariat|
The language of the event will be English.

The two-day seminar program will include:
presentations by UN agencies, during which participants will learn about the specifics of the UN procurement market, profiles of individual organizations, their purchasing needs and procedures, and principles of cooperation with business; panel discussions addressing current issues: innovation, sustainability, COVID-19 challenges and opportunities; thematic workshops: supply chains and logistics, ICT, pharmaceuticals and medical devices, examples of good practices.*

Registration and scheduling of B2P meetings takes place on the official procurement portal of the United Nations - United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM). Companies interested in participating are kindly requested to submit their application to PARP at the address:, no later than April 30, 2021 - please include "UN IPS 2021 - application" in the subject line, and provide the company name, industry, and contact details in the body of the email. Upon receipt of the application, we will provide detailed instructions regarding registration on UNGM.

Participation in the event is free of charge. The number of seats is limited, and registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

Attention! The limit of seats has been reached. Registration for the event is now closed.

Please direct any inquiries regarding the seminar to the email address: