Who are we and what is our mission?
What is IGEŚ?
The Central European Chamber of Commerce is a network of agreements, contacts, joint activities created directly by members.
Our activities are in response to your demand...
We operate without charging members joining fees or membership fees. For our members, we are building a network of contacts that allows us to work with many entities. The Chamber is also a variety of services in one place.

- Non-governmental organization - we are registered in the National Court Register, in the register of associations, foundations and others;
- Social and professional organizations as of November 03, 2014;
- Economic self-government - we represent the interests of our members in dealing with local and state administrations;
- An association of entrepreneurs - so far more than 200 entities have decided to sign a membership declaration;
- Cluster coordinator - four clusters were formed on our initiative in May 2015;
- Project implementer - we apply for funds for the implementation of projects that support entrepreneurship, economic development of the region, but also the development of vocational education;
- Networking - for our members we establish cooperation with various entities, the Chamber has signed more than a dozen partnership agreements, e.g. with Bank Peako S.A., the School of Banking and partnership agreements, e.g. with Bank Peako S.A., the School of Banking and the Lower Silesian Economic Fund Ltd.
For our members, we are building a network of contacts that allows us to work with many entities. The Chamber is also a variety of services in one place.
Join us Association in the Chamber is free of charge, to become a member you need to download a declaration, then completed and signed by a person authorized to represent the company, send it back to the address office@cecc.ngo