CECC supports Poland's largest whistleblowing conference

Publication date: 17/11/2022

The Central European Chamber of Commerce has taken on the media patronage of the third edition of the Whistleblowing Summit conference, which will take place on December 8th, in an online format.

Together with the organizers, we invite you to the largest and most substantive online conference in Poland, presenting practical aspects of the functioning of whistleblowing reporting systems and the protection of whistleblowers. This year, over 20 exceptional experts will share their experience in the field of whistleblowing with you.

Until December 17th of last year, all European Union countries were obliged to implement the requirements of the EU directive on systemic protection of whistleblowers (individuals reporting abuses). However, the motivation for implementing an effective system for whistleblowers should not be sanctions, but rather rational and responsible action by every organization. Effective implementation of such a system, bringing significant benefits to the organization (security, stable development, positive image), rather than risks (sanctions, damages, loss of reputation), is a complex process requiring significant commitment and conscious and consistent action already at the stage of implementation planning. The Whistleblowing Summit conference showcases best practices in this area!

Register for free: https://whistleblowingsummit.pl/

Conference organizer: E-nform
Conference co-organizers: Rödl & Partner Poland oraz Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak
Honorary patronage: Office of the Ombudsman and Poznań University of Economics
Partners supporting the organization of the Conference: Tauron Polska Energia S.A. (Grupa TAURON), Eurovia, PwC Polska, Kopeć & Zaborowski (KKZ), Symfonia, Bearstone
Content partners: Compliance Practitioners AssociationPolish Platform for Internal SecurityPolish Institute of Internal Control - PIKW, ACFE Poland
Media partners: INFOR PL S.A.British Polish Chamber of Commerce (BPCC)Employers of PomeraniaFrench-Polish Chamber of Commerce (CCIFP)Lower Silesian EmployersPolish-German Economic Circle in Poznań, Chamber of Commerce of Central Europe (IGEZ)

#Whistleblowing #Sygnaliści #Compliance #Etyka