Cleanup action. Open to the environment. Vol. III: Application form - Cleanup action 2022

Publication date: 14/04/2022

Register your participation in the event
Registration continues until May 8. 

Art Open - Open to the Environment, Let's Clean Up Together Wrocław!
As an advertising agency focused on concrete actions supporting environmental protection, we are pleased to invite you for the third time to the event of cleaning up the banks of the Odra River.

- May 27 - Friday - 9:00 am

- In the third edition of the event, we will be cleaning the banks of the Odra River near the Kozanow embankment.

What to bring.
- Comfortable field clothes, appropriate for the weather - preferably longer legs
- Refreshing/disinfecting wipes
- Eagerness to work
- Lots of smiles and enthusiasm

How do we clean up?
We meet at 9:00 a.m. at the Hot-Spot beach, register participants and get active!
Among other things, you will receive cleaning essentials in your participation packets:
- Trash bags
- Protective gloves
- Water

On-site, we also provide designated sanitary areas with toilets and sinks.
Integration and refreshments will take place after cleaning - as every year, we invite you to the Hot Spot urban beach at Wejherowska Street! The entire cleaning action will be recorded, and participants will receive a edited video documenting the entire initiative from us.

The previous edition of the Cleaning Action made history not only because of the two full containers of garbage collected but also due to the contest where participants had the opportunity to demonstrate their wit, creativity, and hard work, which was very well-received by everyone!

Therefore, in the third edition of our action, we cannot miss out on healthy competition. You can find the rules and details of the contest in the following link:

In aid of Ukraine
During the cleanup event, a collection will be held to support Ukraine.
The action will be carried out by the group HELP - Heroic Team of Local Help.

See you there!