How to start a blog: Step-by-Step Guide
Publication Date:
Karol Andruszków
The internet offers tons of money-making opportunities. You can set up your own online store relatively easily and quickly. You can also, for example, create websites and landing pages and then sell them to your clients (read about how to do it here!). Another great way to earn money is by blogging. But before you can start doing this, you must have your own blog! It used to be a challenge to start a blog, but now it takes just a few minutes with website builders like BOWWE and SquareSpace. In this article, you will learn how to start a professional blog and attract your first fans.

What is best to blog about?
Your blog can't be about anything and everything. Before you build your blog, you should know what you will be blogging about. This will affect the design and appearance of your blog. A blog with articles on investing can't look the same as a blog on computer games...
The subject of your blog should be related to your interests. This way, you will be involved in its development and not skip blogging after 2 months. If you want to make money on it, then you should try to make it’s subject interesting for you. Only then will you be authentic and build the image of a blogging expert around you, and this means a lot of money…
Where to find blog inspiration?
First things first. Still, no idea what to blog about? So get on Buzzsumo and Alexa. These are great portals where you can check how popular content related to a specific topic is. This way, you will find out how many people are interested in a given topic, which can help you decide on the main topic of your blog.
Warning! Helpful advice: Do not only be guided by the highest popularity of topics! There are LOTS of food or fashion blogs on the web… and that means you'll have a lot of competition when writing about these topics and it will be harder for you to be in the first search results! A better way might be to start blogging about niche topics such as animal husbandry. Then it will be easier for you to bring more traffic ... and that's one of the most important things in blogging!
However, the final decision is yours! Cheer up, even if there are already many blogs on your favorite topic on the Internet, creating valuable content and promoting it properly, you are able to become one of the most popular bloggers on a given topic!
Once you've chosen a thematic niche, you can check out other blogs that you'll compete with. You can do it with Ahrefs.
How to start a BLOG - step by step? Please follow the instructions below.
All you need is internet access and an hour of free time!
- Go to BOWWE
- Create a free account
- Click "add a new page"
- Choose a template that suits your dream blog theme!
- When in the wizard, select the "Blog" icon from the side panel
- You are now in your blog's management panel. Click "Add New Post"
- Fill in the fields: Post name, post title, description
- Save your changes (and remember to save them every time you make important changes to the blog!)
- Now go to the "Creator"
- From the side pane, click "Area" and place it on the marked field.
- Select "Header" from the sidebar and place it on the marked field.
- In the same way, place the picture and text below the header
- Fill in all the elements with content! You can also edit them to your liking!
- Repeat steps 11-13 each time you add a new heading, image, or text.
- When your post is ready, click "Publish" to publish it on the web (You can also click "Preview" to see how your article looks in the search engine!)
You just became a blog owner. See, it wasn't that hard at all!
Don't even think about running your own blog on WordPress. Why? Here's the answear!

How to run and develop your blog professionally?
Having a blog is not enough! Now you have to get others to follow and read it! It's a challenge, but we'll help you overcome it. Here are some tips:
- Get to know your readers
You need to know who you are writing to. Only when you know the addressees of your content, will you be able to write it in an interesting, engaging, and, most importantly, effective manner. List as much information as possible about your target group and typical blog readers. Are you writing to women or maybe to men? Younger, older, or middle-aged? Inhabitants of cities or villages?
If the topic of your blog is agricultural plant breeding, you won't be writing it to city dwellers!
Demographics are not enough! Think for a moment - what is the day of a typical blog reader? Where does he work and what is his job? What are his common problems? How does he spend his time when he is resting?
Find as much information as possible about your readers and write them down on a piece of paper or in a separate document on your computer - so that you do not lose it. Once you know who you are communicating with, your content will be so much better!
- Adapt the language to your audience
This advice is linked to the previous one. Since you already have information about your audience, you can easily adapt your content and communication language to them.
It is important that you write on topics that are important to them - they interest them, are of value to them, or help them solve their real problems. This way you will keep them curious! And remember - on the Internet, we are all "You"
- Plan what you will write about
This is important - you don't want to avoid a situation where you don't know what to write about! Planning the content publication schedule will allow you to create valuable content step by step and test its operation on your recipients Plus, you won't run out of ideas! Use the Buzzsumo and Alexa already mentioned in this text to see what content is the most popular on the Internet!
- Create unique content
You cannot create the same content as others. Then you will never get high in search results and no one will read your blog! But there is a tip. Try another way to write about interesting topics. You will find loads of articles on the Internet starting with "How to ...". It is no wonder - such topics are popular and readily read by the audience. In this case, create an article titled "How NOT to ..." and list the most common mistakes that you will warn your readers about!
Do you understand what I'm talking about? You must always try to find an alternative way of developing a topic. This will give you the opportunity to position yourself and increase traffic to your blog!
- Divide your content into smaller parts
Nobody likes reading long studies on the Internet. Do you want to exhaust the topic and provide the reader with all the valuable knowledge? Very good!
But instead of creating one long post, create several smaller ones that focus on specific topics within a topic. This way, you'll create more articles and fill your blog with valuable content. You will increase the number of keywords for which your blog will be positioned by search engines. This will result in a better position in the search results and more organic traffic!
- Follow your industries closely
Do you want to be an expert on a given subject after all? So you have to follow closely what is happening in your industry! Your readers will expect you to give them valuable content about the most interesting, and often the latest topics! By keeping track of industries, you'll never run out of ideas on what to publish about!
Also, you need to follow closely what other bloggers in your industry are writing about. Do not treat them in advance as competition - on the contrary, they can become partners for mutual promotion! So read their blogs, comment, send links to your own articles, spark discussions - in other words, get noticed, and show that you have something valuable to say on this topic! You will profit from it in the future!
- Promote your content!
You can promote your blog through comments on other blogs. You can invite people to read your articles on various thematic forums. Promote it through your private social media profiles, invite your friends to read it. You can also set up separate profiles on social media, especially for your blog - it will be useful to you, especially when the number of your readers starts to grow.
In addition, look for places on the internet where people who may be interested in your blog are gathering. You will find groups like this on Facebook, Reddit or Quora. However, any place where you can promote your blog can prove to be of value to you!
Focus on creating great headlines
Great headlines can attract a big number of new visitors to your blog. Do you want to know more about creating headlines? Read article below!

When will you start earning money blogging?
If you follow our advice, you will quickly find your first readers. Over time, there will be more of them, and this will motivate you not to disappoint them and create more interesting or even more engaging content. You will build your image as an expert with each entry. Your opinion will become increasingly important.
Then you will be able to earn money through your blog. Companies will see your value. For example, you will be able to offer a small local business to write a referral article about their products or services in return for a fee. But sponsored articles are not the only way to earn money ... paid post promotion and promotional campaigns, barter or affiliation ... There are many possibilities!
What are you still waiting for?
- Go to BOWWE
- Sign up
- Start your first free blog - absolutely free!
Contact me and I will be happy to answer any of your questions and advise you on the best solution for you! CONTACT