Invitation to the Effective Business Mixer
Dear Sir/Madam,
On December 1st, we invite you to join us for the Effective Business Mixer in collaboration with the Central European Chamber of Commerce.
The meeting will commence at 12:00 with introductions and participant presentations. Please prepare a one-minute presentation about your business activities. At around 13:00, the substantive part of the meeting will begin. Mariusz Wozniak, the President of the National Institute of Energy Efficiency, will present selected examples of energy efficiency (40 minutes).
Tomasz Wantuch, the President of Insignia Energy, will discuss collaboration opportunities based on the energy market situation (20 minutes).
Ewa Piotrowska, the Director of Impel Business Solutions, will present modern business services aimed at increasing efficiency (10 minutes).
Following each presentation, there will be a brief discussion and questions from the audience. After the substantive part, there will be time for informal networking and relationship building over coffee and refreshments.
We anticipate the meeting to conclude around 16:00.
Deadline: December 1, 2022, from 12:00 to 16:00 Place: Headquarters of the BCC Lower Silesia Lodge, 25 Metalowców St. R.S.V.P.: Lodge Office, e-mail: phone: 71 059 09 29 For organizational reasons, we would appreciate confirmation of attendance no later than November 29.