Invitation to the Chamber's General Assembly and strategic directions of the chamber

Publication date: 29/05/2023

Dear Members, We cordially invite you to the General Assembly of the Central European Chamber of Commerce, scheduled for June 15, 2023. The venue will be Ossolineum. Please note that the first session will commence at 10:00 AM, and in case of a lack of quorum, the second session will be held at 10:15 AM.

Proposed agenda for the assembly:

  1. Election of the Chairman and Secretary of the Meeting
  2. Approval of the agenda
  3. Appointment of the scrutiny committee
  4. Report on the activities of the Board for the year 2022
  5. Financial report of the Chamber for the year 2022
  6. Address by the Chairman of the Chamber Council
  7. Discussion and adoption of resolutions regarding the approval of the Board's activity report, approval of the Chamber's financial report, and voting on granting discharge to the Board
  8. Any other business
  9. Adjournment of the General Assembly

The estimated duration of the official part is approximately 10-15 minutes.

The unofficial part is planned for two hours, including:
Część networkingowa - możliwość zwiedzania ossolineum

Presentation of the chamber's action strategy for 2023
Presentation of the chamber's marketplace system EGO.NGO 
Business 4.0 effective networking.